PhD Candidate
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
I am a PhD candidate at City University of Hong Kong, currently, at Cornell University, USA for my one year research intrenship. In 2021, I completed my Postgraduate Certificate in Veterinary Education from Royal Veterinary College, UK. Before that, I completed my MPhil in Anatomy and Histology from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. I have been a part of teaching faculty at different veterinary institutes in Pakistan since I graduated my DVM in 2016.
My research area is skeletal biology with special focus on bones and cartilage. Currently, I am investigating the bonding mechanims at osteochondral junction and the role of fibrillar bonding in its structural integrity. Our group is also working on understanding the cellular mechanisms and controlling factors involved in bone remodelling. We are employing advanced imaging techniques with sizeable sample sizes to elucidate these mechanisms. Moreover, we are performing in-vitro experiments to compare these bonding mechanisms in a controlled simulated environment.