Saturday, March 23, 2024
5:00pm – 7:00pm US EDT
Location: Sheraton Hall
Poster Board Number: 166
There are separate poster presentation times for odd and even posters.
Odd poster #s – first hour
Even poster #s – second hour
Caio Nakamura do Nascimento - Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS); Marcela Albuquerque de Holanda - Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS); Zilfran Carneiro Teixeira Filho - Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS); Roberto Brígido Ary - Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS); Lucas Macedo Lopes - Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS); Jônatas Catunda De Freitas, MD - Professor, Human Anatomy, Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS)
Medical Student Centro Universitário Christus (UNICHRISTUS) Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
Abstract Body :Programs with 3D scanned cadaveric specimens have been growing for teaching human anatomy. Thus, various methods have emerged to facilitate the digitization of specimens, such as the use of cameras, 3D scanners and software. These techniques have low accessibility for all medical schools, as they are usually expensive, which limits not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the development of new scanned images. Thus, the use of smartphones has become an accessible, low-cost alternative for 3D scanning of cadaveric specimens. This study aims to demonstrate the use of smartphones as an alternative method for 3D scanning of cadaveric specimens to improve the teaching of human anatomy. We evaluated the effectiveness of the various free photogrammetry applications available. After a thorough search, we select applications based on their usability, compatibility, and recommendations. We adjusted the settings to optimize the quality and accuracy of the 3D images. The tests were carried out in the anatomy laboratory at Centro Universitário Christus, using cadaver specimens available on site. The scanning was carried out using five mobile devices (four smartphones and one tablet) which used the RealityScan and AR Code applications. This approach allowed us to check the consistency and performance of the apps on different platforms, focusing on the criteria of anatomical fidelity and usability in the educational context. The laboratory's natural diffuse lighting meant that no external light sources were needed. Each test session was carefully documented, focusing on criteria such as anatomical fidelity and usability in the educational context. Scans of anatomical parts with mobile devices were able to produce 3D images with quality and detail. Forty-two high-resolution three-dimensional models of the specimens were made, which involved seventeen images of the nervous, fifteen of the circulatory, five of respiratory, four of digestive, and one of skeletal systems. The images could be freely rotated and enlarged by the user, as well as being viewed from different angles and planes. The models were used to form the scientific collection of the MeoAtlas application. The results obtained suggest that MeoAtlas not only facilitates the access to high-quality study material, but also contributes significantly to a better student performance, as indicated by the higher grades obtained by the experimental group in the practical anatomy test. This advancement represents a major step to overcome logistical and ethical challenges associated with learning of cadaveric pieces, as well as providing students more flexible and interactive learning.